Want to know how to boost weight loss, improve your skin, cleanse & detox your liver, stimulate your digestive function, and start the morning fresh?
Well listen up because it’s a super simple method that I use every day myself and get all my clients using too.
A lemon and apple cider drink taken with warm water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning! It really does work and has so many benefits too.
How To Boost Weight Loss & Wellness

Lemon & Apple Cider Vinegar

Lemon is a natural antioxidant, has antiviral, anti bacterial and immune boosting properties to promote wellness on many levels. It’s loaded with vitamin C, bioflavanoids, magnesiumcalcium and other vitamins and minerals, and is an incredibly neutralizing and cleansing fruit for the body.
Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a natural remedy for many things. It has natural anti bacterial and anti viral properties. It also contains many minerals, has alkaline properties, can aid with blood sugar regulation, and help lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

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