
Week 3 – Cutting down on hidden sugars

Now that I’ve already cut out obvious sugar culprits, the next step is to cut out the hidden sugars. Sugar and bad carbohydrates are hiding in so many foods such a cereals, pastas, breads, and even many foods that we believe to be healthy, such as juices, dried fruit, granola bars, and fruit yogurt. This week the plan was to cut down and try avoid all these items as well.
How I felt about week 3:
This week had been a busy one for me, and I didn’t have a chance to plan out my 3 meals properly. This created a big downfall for me. I felt hungry and grumpy, and I was craving candy and junk food, and though I didn’t have too much of it, I certainly felt a little unhappy to be trying to be eating well.

Week 4 – Eating less sugar in the long term

This week I planned to continue to eat with minimal sugar in my diet, but also try to find the right balance to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Whether that be pasta once a week, or candies only for a special movie night, I think finding the right balance is important so you can enjoy your life and be healthy as well.
How I felt about week 4:
I found Week 4 was a lot better than the previous week. I was back on top of my 3 meals a day, and I had gone to the market to stock up on fresh fruit. So this week, it was pretty easy for me to stick to the program and eat well. I came to realize that a big part of eating well, is being able to plan what you’ll be eating. I felt when I didn’t plan my meals, I was tempted just to got for convenient foods that tended to be sugary or unhealthy.  

Overall review of my 4 weeks taking sugar out of my diet:

I actually feel really great about eating less sugar in my regular diet. It makes me feel better about my health and in the process I learned a lot about eating well, and the nutrients in food. I would suggest everyone give it try. It never hurts to eat healthier or take better care of your body. Previous Page 

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