
21. Run on an Empty Stomach

When you run on an empty stomach, your body is more apt to use up fat as the main source of energy since glycogen stores are more likely to be depleted after 7 or 8 hours of fasting during the sleep time—unless you are a somnambulistic eater.
Action Step
Wake up at least an hour earlier than normal, lace up your shoes then go for a run. Sure, this can be hard at first, but it’s the worth the sweat. Just build the habit and never give up. 

22. Do Intervals

Long, steady-state cardio can help you burn fat and get in shape, but to speed up the process, up the ante by doing intervals. Study after study have shown that intervals—usually referred to as high intensity interval training, or HIIT— burn more fat than slow-to-moderate intensity cardio training.
Not only that, they can also metabolism levels through the roof—meaning you will be burning calories at a higher rate for hours after working out.
Action Step
Add at least a couple of interval running sessions into your training routine, and make sure to space them out with at least 48-hour of recovery to avoid injury and overtraining. Start with 30-seconds sprints, followed by one minute of recovery, repeating the process 6 to 8 times. Do also Tabata protocol workouts; pull sleds, rope jumps, or best of all, CrossFit WODs.

23. Buddy Up

According to study, people who exercise with a training buddy or in groups work out harder and achieve more consistency with their training routine, which is a good thing. Not only that, exercising with a spouse, a friend, or a coworker, can also increase accountability, motivation, and training enjoyment.
Action Step
Ask your best friend, spouse, co-worker, or the guy (and gal) at the gym to be your training buddy. You can also find plenty of opportunities on online forums, social media and local sports clubs. Don’t be shy.

24. Go Short

To stay consistent with exercise in the hectic times we live in today, the one long hour workout is not always an option. But that’s no excuse because, in those cases, 15 minutes may be all you need for a powerful workout.
In other words, a short workout is better than none In fact, according to study from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, people how lifted weights for no more than 15 minutes three times a week boosted their metabolic rate and were able to stay consistent with their training schedule 95 percent of the time.
Action Step
In case you are running short on time, go minimalist. Do a short workout whether it’s lifting weight, a sprint session, or walk up and down the stairs for 15 minutes.

25. Chew Slowly

According to study, eating slowly and mindfully can help you eat less, and enjoy your meals more. If you eat too fast, chances that you are going to take in more than your body needs since it can take up to 20 minutes for your stomach to figure that it’s full. Therefore, when you are eating too fast, you are not giving your brain enough time to send a signal to the brain that it’s full.
Action Step
Take your time when you are sitting for a meal. Chew slowly and savor every bite you take.

26. Use Smaller Plates

Plate sizes have changed drastically over the past hundreds of years. In fact, waists and plates size have increased in a proportional manner. And according to study, the smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you are going to consume.
Therefore, opt for smaller plates—anything in the 7 to 10 inches—instead of the bigger plates—12 inches and above. Opting for smaller plate will trick your brain into believing you are eating more. This, in turn, will cause you to consume less calories. Do this and you will end up eating less and feeling fuller with the same amount of food.
Action Step
On your next meal, opt for a size-appropriate bowl or plate. So opt for smaller plates, bowls, glasses and silverware. So swap your bigger plates for smaller and more appropriate-size plates. You are going to consume at least 20 percent less and save up hundreds of unneeded calories each day.

27. Snack before a Big Meal

If you are worried about overeating on your next meal, then a snack can come in handy. If you fill up your stomach with a healthy snack choice, you will be taking the edge off your hunger pangs and eating less when the meal comes in.
Snacking before a meal can reduce hunger, increase feeling of fullness, helping eat less come meal time. Doing this will help eat a realistic amount without indulging or overeating.
Action Step
Grab an apple or any other fruit or vegetables that scores high on fiber and have it before a large meal.

29. Eat Often

To the best of my knowledge, there is no scientific study that proves that eating 5 to 6 smaller meals a day can lead to better weight loss results, but this is something I tried and I believe it’s a helpful strategy.
According to theory, by eating 5 to 6 mini meals throughout the day, your body will burn fat much more effectively. And according to my experience, this can also prevent hunger pangs and making bad food choices.
Action Step
Instead of eating three large meals a day with long stretches of times in between, aim to consume 5 to 6 mini meals of roughly 200 to 400 calories each every three to four hours.

30. Sit Down to Eat

Eating on the run is the signature move of every person running a busy life schedule. But daily errands, whether it’s work or family related, should not be an excuse to indulge in this bad eating habit. Eating on the move is mindless grazing. It leads to overeating and munching on bad food choices since there is no attention paid to what is being consumed.
What we eat while standing up tends to be more “grab-n-go” food, which for most part tends to fall in the bad eating choices category—think sugar rich drinks and candy bars. If you have no option other than a grab-n-go food, then at least reach for a healthy choice, such as an apple, healthy yogurt or peanut butter.
Action Step
Take a sit whenever you are eating. And stop eating in the car, train, bus, on the phone or while walking.

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