  Lots of women- and some men- shave there legs on a regular basis, but it becomes a tedious task when repeated day in and day out. Even if you only shave your legs a few times a week it still takes up precious time. Not long after lol that hair is back- but not anymore thanks to this easy-to-use "sugar paste depilation" hair removal technique.

While there are tons of alternatives to shaving. Most contain harmful chemicals that can be really bad for you and your skin. This simple technique only uses three ingredients: sugar, lemon and water. 

                       Never Shave Or Wax Again

  1. Star out your sugar paste hair removal journey combining 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice, 1/4 cup of water and 2 cups of sugar. 

  1. Place then in a deep pot and cook on high for 4-5 minutes. Once it starts to boil take it off the heat and pour it into a separate bowl. The result will resemble caramelized sugar cake. Allow it to cool for a bit and then start pulling it apart.
  1. The mixture should have a similar texture to shewing gum, at this point if it is to solid and a tiny drop of water. Make sure your skin is completely clean before proceeding to the next part. 

    Dry the skin then apply the paste to legs. Make sure to apply it in the opposite direction of the hair growth. Then just pull the peaces of paste off your leg and you're all done! 

This process is a little painful but compared to waxing it is a breeze and the best part is after a few sessions of this the hair will start to grow back thinner and softer until it pretty much doesn't come back.

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