
At home skin tag removal experiment with Apple Cider Vinegar

I am known to my friends a bit of a fiddler.  I make my own scrubs and tonics and now I have turned the fiddling with natural skin tag removal.  I know the doctor or even myself can lance them off… but they bleed heavily and can leave a scar so I thought I would try a different approach, not to mention the money saved for a doctor’s appointment.  Here is what I did and what worked and what didn’t work.  I only have 2 skin tags (one on my arm and one on my neck), so I don’t have that much to experiment on.  This goes without saying I am not a medical professional and this is only my experience, so make sure you check with your doctor that the skin tag/mole is not of concern before you attempt to remove it yourself.
How To Remove Skin Tags With One Simple Ingredient

First attempt:  Used clear nail polish.  Painted over the skin tag (in my inner crook of the arm).  Skin tag blew up in size — almost blister like and little scary — and my skin reacted very poorly to the nail polish and I developed quite a rash.  Opinion:  I would NOT do this again.  And it did not finish the tag off.  I had to use Apple cider vinegar to finish the job.

Second attempt:  Apple cider vinegar.  I cut a tiny square of cotton pad to cover the tag and soaked it in organic apple cider vinegar and then used a band aid to secure and left over night.  Repeat if necessary.  Results:  Skin tag turned black and fell off in about 3-5 days with no bleeding and no scarring.  Once it is at the black/dark brown stage it is dead and you can stop using the vinegar and just wait for the tag to fall off.  Do not pick!  I do have slightly red skin around the area from the nail polish but that is fading over time and my skin is smooth.  I can’t believe a tag used to be there!  Opinion & Mistakes:  I would use this method again if I had more skin tags!  Apple cider vinegar is strong acid and I did not protect the surround skin so I got a bit of an acid burn around and near the skin tag.  I am using Rose Hip Oil to reduce the redness and heal the skin.  If I did this again what I would do differently:  1. protect surrounding skin with Vaseline and 2. maybe start by just holding a q tip on the tag 3 times a day to see if that works before leaving it on over night.

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