
So what’s so bad about these fats? Polyunsaturated fats:
  • –Have a direct correlation to the increase of heart disease
  • –Interfere with thyroid gland function– impairing the metabolic rate
  • –Block hormone secretion
  • –Can contribute to high cholesterol
  • –Damage all systems of the body if in excess: hormone system, immune system & oxidative damage
  • –Interfere with digestion
  • –Decrease energy production
  • –Block protein digestion in the stomach

Peat continues that “coconut oil, in diabetes as in other degenerative diseases, is highly protective.” Yet another reason to ditch the polyunsaturated oils in your pantry, and opt for real (saturated) fats like butter, ghee, coconut oil, and natural animal fats!
So what else can you do to help prevent diabetes? Take personal responsibility and change your diet. According to Dr. Peat, diet is key, “I think the basic anti-aging diet is also the best diet for prevention and treatment of diabetes, scleroderma, and the various “connective tissue diseases.” This would emphasize high protein, low unsaturated fats, low iron, and high antioxidant consumption, with a moderate or low starch consumption. In practice, this means that a major part of the diet should be milk, cheese, eggs, shellfish, fruits and coconut oil, with vitamin E and salt as the safest supplements.” Previous Page

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