The total calorie intake in a day is around 1200, which is half of the daily recommended calorie intake. So this is not the safest way to lose weight, but hey, if you know any healthy method to lose one pound daily, I am here to take notes.
here is a daily schedule example:
  • 9 AM: One glass of water + Breakfast (200 calories) + One glass of water;
  • 11 AM: One glass of water + Snack (200 calories) + One glass of water;
  • 1 PM: One glass of water + Lunch (300 calories) + One glass of water;

  • 2 PM: Walking in the park for an hour;
  • 3 PM: One glass of water + Snack (300 calories) + One glass of water;
  • 5 PM: One glass of water + Dinner (200 calories) + One glass of water.
Tip: Don’t weigh yourself every day, but do it at the end of the week. Losing weight is not an exact science, so you’re not gonna lose one pound daily. Today you might lose 1.5 pounds and tomorrow only half pound, but at the end of the week you should be at least 7 pounds lighter.
Let me know in the comment section below if you would try this diet, or if you know or tried before any other diet to lose one pound daily. Stay fit! Previous Page

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