
Do some foods contain zero calories?
The theory of zero calorie foods is that the body will burn more calories metabolizing and cooking the food than the calories the food contains.
This is a process called thermogenesis, and it’s how your body heats itself up – thus zero calorie foods!
These foods were selected based on two factors.
The first was that they must be full of nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants for your health.
The second is that they must be under 100 calories per 1 cup serving.
1. Apples
Apples are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet containing antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even pectin (which has been shown to reduce hunger).
Eating an apple can be a great snack between lunch and dinner as it will keep the body full while providing a small energy boost.
It also helps people to stay away from eating junk food and will diminish cravings for sugary sweets that everyone knows is damaging to health.
Calories per cup – 57 k/cal 
2. Broccoli
Broccoli is a superfood with the ability to lower the risk of cancer, raise vitamin D (many people are now deficient), C and K, provide healthy fiber, and it even contains a small amount of protein.
It also provides the unique benefits of lowering inflammation, helping with stress, and detoxifying the body.  Broccoli is best cooked steamed, blanched, or roasted and can be paired with a variety of foods.
Stay away from adding high calorie add-ons such as butter of cheese to maximize benefits.
Calories per cup – 30 k/cal
3. Asparagus
Asparagus is often paired with a variety of foods and has significant health benefits.
Containing high amounts of Vitamin K, Folate, Copper, fiber, and Vitamin B1, it is a nutrient dense food with powerful health benefits.
Grilling and steaming asparagus are popular options, but it can also be added raw into a salad.  Again, stay away from butter and oils to keep it a zero calorie food!
Calories per cup – 27 k/cal
4. Watermelon
Watermelon is a delicious, low calorie treat that can be enjoyed without the guilt.
Not only is it naturally sweet, it contains many antioxidants and is low in calories. The only warning is to be careful with portion sizes.
Make sure that 1 or 2 cups worth doesn’t turn into a dozen.  A strategic way to eat watermelon is to save it for after your dinner for a healthy and natural dessert.
Calories per cup – 47 k/cal
5. Cucumber
Cucumbers are a delicious nutrient powerhouse.
They contains polyphenols that reduce the rates of cancer and can help manage stress levels by containing multiple B vitamins (B1, B5, B7, Biotin).  Since cucumbers primarily consist of water and fiber, they also provide support to the body’s digestive health.
Throw them on a delicious low-cal salad and enjoy!
Calories per cup – 16 k/cal
6. Oranges
Oranges are known for having lots of vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin A, and calcium.
This is another great option if you are at work or just looking for a quick snack to kill your cravings.  They have also been shown to lower the rick of heart disease because of their addition of potassium to a diet.
Eating oranges will help keep a low caloric load for the day and keep you healthy and happy.
Calories per cup – 85 k/cal 
7.  Celery
Celery has long been touted as a zero calorie food.
It is a good source of vitamin K and water, so it can be filling. However, there is an obvious problem with this food – it has virtually no taste. People tend to add peanut butter or cream fillings to this snack, which runs up the calorie count.
To maximize the benefits, eat celery with your meal in soups or smoothies.
Calories per cup – 16 k/cal
8. Lemons
People won’t be sitting around the dinner table serving lemons as an appetizer anytime soon, but this food packs a powerful punch and should be added to a healthy meal.
They are a great source of vitamin C, and do wonders for your liver and digestive system.
Add them to any food to zest up the flavor or squeeze them in a glass of lemon water for a quick detox.  Lemons also contain a surplus of antioxidants and virtually no calories.
Calories per cup – 61 k/cal
9. Sugar Snap Peas
These little guys are high in fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B, and many other minerals the body needs.
If making a healthy stir fry or are looking to try a new healthy snack, give them a try! Cook them in the oven or over the stove, and add a little salt to flavor.
They are a delicious treat that often get missed in most diets.
Calories per cup – 41 k/cal
10. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are among the most healthy foods on the planet.
They contain large amounts of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, but are best known for their high concentration of lycopene. Lycopene has been repeatedly shown to fight cancer and ward off heart disease.
This food makes a great addition to your salads or even a delicious homemade pico de gallo recipe.
Calories per cup – 32 k/cal
11. Kale
There’s simply no better way to say it – eat more kale.
It is considered one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet and contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, antioxidants, and has been shown to lower cholesterol.
The best ways to consume more kale are through green smoothies, adding them to salads, or making delicious Kale chips in the oven.
Calories per cup – 33 k/cal
12. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is associated with dieting and has long been promoted as an incredibly healthy breakfast item.
It is loaded with vitamins and is low in calories, but it really shines from it’s immense collection of antioxidants.
High in water and fiber, this food will keep you full and add hardly any calories to your day’s total.  Eat it as a snack or early in the morning.
Calories per cup – 97 k/cal 
13. Onions
Onions are a delicious and flavorful addition to any meal.
They have been shown to have cardiovascular benefits, support bone tissue, lower inflammation, and lower your risk of certain cancers.
They can be eaten raw on salads or cooked in a variety of different ways to help with weight loss goals.
Calories per cup – 46 k/cal
14. Carrots
Carrots are not normally known for being low in calories, but they are.
They are known to protect eyesight, but they also have plenty of antioxidants and are a natural diuretic.
This helps with digestion and keep the body’s natural inflammation in check. Carrots can be added to salads, served cooked with your main dish, or can be used as a stand alone snack making them an incredibly versatile low calories food.
Calories per cup – 53 k/cal
15. Zucchini
This is a great side dish, but it can also make as a killer substitute for pasta.
Gluten intolerant people have discovered that the consistency provides a great spaghetti or lasagna substitute, and they can also be cooked in the oven to make zucchini chips without all of the added calories.
They are a bountiful source of magnesium, fiber and folate for your diet.
They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are powerful phytonutrients that fight off many forms of cancer. 
Calories per cup – 21 k/cal
16. Cauliflower
Another great side dish with a similar shape and consistency to broccoli is cauliflower.
Cauliflower provides a great deal of antioxidants and anti-inflammory benefits from its rich stores of Vitamins K and C.
The best way to cook this veggie is to eat it raw or lightly steam it as a side dish before serving.  It’s a great low calorie mix-up from the typical green veggies that will provide you with a different variety of nutrients and benefits.  
Calories per cup – 27 k/cal
Article Source : avocadu.com
16 Zero Calorie Foods That Work Wonders For Your Health
Image Via : avocadu.com

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