Cut up your food before you eat. Smaller portions mean it’s easier for your digestive system to process the food, therefore speeding up the digestive process and your metabolism.
Drink green tea to help boost your metabolism. It’s full of antioxidants that can help speed up the fat-burning process and your metabolism speed, therefore helping you lose more weight! 
Add spices to your food. Spicy foods also help to speed up your metabolism, which is music to our ears!
Replace regular potatoes with sweet potatoes. Regular potatoes are full of starches and carbs, but sweet potatoes contain more vitamins and nutrients and will stretch more for your buck.
Replace sugars in your diet with protein. Cutting sugars will always help you lose weight. Add protein to help fuel you through your workouts to burn even more fat and lose even more weight.
Buy organic fruit and vegetables. If a food bears a USDA Organic label, it means it’s produced and processed according to the USDA standards. The seal is voluntary, but many organic producers use it. Buying organic foods will ensure that you steer clear of pesticides and food additives!
Drink a large glass of water before every meal. Numerous studies have shown that drinking water before meals can result in consuming less calories at those meals, which can ultimately lead to weight loss. This is probably because the water provides a sense of fullness, so not as much food is needed to reach the point of satiety. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that choosing water as your drink of choice instead of an empty-calorie beverage can save more than 100 calories per glass.
Don’t drink your calories; they wont keep you full. Make sure not to consume empty calories like in a soda, because they won’t give your body any sustenance! Save your precious calories for healthy, nutritious foods.
Eat 30 to 50 grams of fiber a day. Fiber is the most important ingredient for weight loss! It keeps your metabolism flow and helps your body absorb nutrients properly.
Prepare meals before your week begins. Planning your meals a week in advance will ensure more healthy and less impulse decisions throughout the week. If you bring a healthy lunch to work, you’re less likely to run to the sandwich shop across the street.
Stop guessing serving sizes and starting measuring. That doesn’t mean you’ll have to measure forever, though! You’ll get the hang of things pretty quickly, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry, anyway. Need help with portion control?
Decrease the amount of packaged foods you buy at the store. Packaged foods are most likely processed to the point that they contain little to no nutritional value. Even worse, they probably contain food additives that can be detrimental to your health. Try sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store instead of perusing too many of the aisles. The perimeter is where most of the fresher foods can be found.
Choose one day a week to cut your meat! There are plenty of vegetarian options to get your protein for the day, and you will likely consume less fat on the day you go meatless as well!
Keep a food journal, tracking everything you eat. That will help you fully realize what you need to eat more or less of. It will be hard, irrefutable evidence of your eating habits, whether you like it or not.
Eat slowly and chew each bite of food. Chewing your food thoroughly is extremely important because it helps your digestive system to process it easier! Less work for your digestive system means more chance for the food to be turned into nutrients, therefore ultimately leading to weight loss.
Set out to eat 300-400 calorie meals. Frequent, smaller, less-filling meals are proven to help with weight loss more than three main meals every day. Your body will be able to process and absorb the nutrients more easily and it gives you more chances to get your nutrients for the day!
Cut out processed sweets. Anything processed is going to be hard for your body to digest, especially processed sweets. All those extra sugars will do your body no favors!
Each morning drink lemon water. Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster!
Get rid of drinking sugary sodas. Like we mentioned earlier, drinking those empty sugary calories holds absolutely no benefit for your body, except for maybe a caffeine boost. You may not think that one soda will make a huge difference, but those sodas add up and pack on the pounds.
Put leftovers away before you eat your meal. That way, you won’t be tempted to eat them after you’ve finished! Your body takes a while to recognize that it’s no longer hungry; give it at least ten minutes before eating more food.
Slowly cut calories from your daily diet. A gradual change will do you good when it comes to cutting calories. That way, your body will have a transition period and you’ll be less likely to relapse.
Schedule time during the week to meal prep. If you don’t have a set time to prep your upcoming meals for the week, you simply won’t be able to do it!
Be sure to eat dinner before 8:00 p.m. You should restrain from eating food two to three hours before your bedtime; when you sleep, your entire body slows down, and therefore so does your digestive system. You want your digestive system to be at full force so you can get the most out of your meals!
When eating a sandwich, swap bread for lettuce. Bread adds on way more calories than you would think! Try going for lettuce buns instead; it will add a satisfying crunch to your sandwich and will provide you with more nutrients and less carbs.
Don’t overcook your meals or you will loose important nutrition. There’s more than one disadvantage to a dry pork loin; not only is it tough and gristly, but you also lose the nutrients that your body is craving!
Chew gum while cooking so that you don’t snack while you cook. There’s a fine line between taste testing and over-sampling!
Eat at home. Eating at home will ensure that you know exactly what foods you’re eating. You’ll be able to better judge the nutrients, calories, etc. Plus, it’s cheaper than eating at a restaurant! Win-win!
Stop eating when you’re full, not when your plate is empty. If your stomach is full but there’s still food on your plate, don’t feel obligated to eat it all! You’re not a little kid anymore. If you know you’ve gotten all the proper nutrients you need for that meal, save the rest of it for tomorrow’s lunch.
Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up. Your metabolism is fastest within half an hour of waking up, so eating something then will give your body an extra fat-burning boost!
Make healthy substitutes, for example, applesauce for oil. That takes care of adding nutrients to your diet and getting rid of processed additives your body has trouble digesting.
Grab a quick snack before you go out! You’ll likely get hungry later, and you don’t want to resort to a greasy fast food drive-thru trip! Taking something like an apple or healthy granola bar will ensure that even your snacking is conducive to weight loss.
Add real fruit to your water. Certain fruits like lemons can boost your metabolism and give you some extra nutrients for the day! Plus, it gives a little punch to your water, so to speak.
Pack snacks for anytime you will be out. Make sure to incorporate snacks into your meal prep day for the entire week. That way, you’ll be sure to have a healthy snack every day rather than a pack of cookies or crackers.
Eat breakfast, no matter what! Breakfast really, truly is the most important meal of the day. It kick starts your metabolism and gets your digestive system reared and ready to go.
Shop in the fresh food section of the grocery store only. Avoid processed foods at all costs! Digesting them takes a toll on your body; plus they’re full of fat and sugars.
Pack your lunch. That way, you aren’t forced to hit up a fast food place for a quick meal on your lunch break.
Make salad your appetizer. Salad is a great palate cleanser and is usually full of fresh, healthy ingredients. Sounds a lot better than fried mozzarella sticks, doesn’t it?
Fight misplaced cravings. If you think you’re craving a greasy burger from McDonald’s for lunch, evaluate and listen to your body. Fight that craving with a healthy snack so that it holds you over until you can eat your healthy packed lunch.
Take a quick break mid-meal; it takes your brain some time to realize it is full! Not only will thoroughly chewing your food help your body realize it’s full, but taking a break will also achieve the same thing! If after your break you realize you’re still hungry, great! Eat away. But if your stomach is telling you to stop, simply pack your leftovers into the fridge and eat them later.
Chew your food consciously. With each bite, savor the flavor of your food. It will help you enjoy the flavors and also give you a greater appreciation for how long it takes to chew your food properly! Paying attention to it now will help you develop the healthy habit of chewing your food thoroughly.
Embrace vinegar. Although a proper diet and exercise is still necessary to lose weight, you should embrace vinegar in your cooking. Some research points to the fact that vinegar can turn on certain genes involved in breaking down fats.
Make eggs essential to your diet. Eggs are superfoods because they contain tons of proteins, are relatively low in calories and will keep you fuller longer! You should think about incorporating them into more meals than just breakfast.
Don’t confuse thirst with hunger. If you feel oddly hungry, try chugging a glass of water. Your hunger could just be a goofy way of your body telling you it’s dehydrated.
Add red pepper flakes to your meal in order to rev up your metabolism. We’re all about that metabolism boost!
Identify when you are emotionally eating and face those feelings. Face your feelings head-on in order to cut down on excess calories as well as emotional issues down the road.
Eat some lean protein with every meal. Protein is essential to weight loss, but you want to make sure it’s lean, aka low in fat.
Eat fresh fruits and veggies when they are in season. Vegetables are pretty much unlimited when it comes to losing weight! When they’re fresh and tasty, you should take full advantage to reap all their nutritional benefits.
Replace your peanut butter with almond butter. Especially in this peanut allergy-prone day and age, almond butter is a safer bet than peanut butter. It also contains less fats and more proteins!
Swap mayo for mustard. Mayonnaise’s calorie count is too high for us to admit, and plus it’s full of excess fat and oil. Mustard is the perfect swap because it gives you just the right amount of kick in flavor, but is drastically lower in calories. Plus, it can rev up your metabolism!

50 Weight Loss Tips for 2015
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