51 Science Backed Ways to Lose 25 Pounds

51 Ways to Lose 25 Pounds

Speed up your weight loss results with these awesome 51 strategies:

1. Prioritize Exercise

Exercise, whether it’s running, weight lifting, cycling, you name it, is the backbone of an effective weight loss plan. However, for the exercise to be part and parcel of your life, you gonna have to prioritize it; otherwise, you will be skipping the workouts, achieving no consistency.
Therefore, you have to find what type of exercise works the best for your lifestyle, then stick to it by committing to work out at least three to four times a week.
Action Step
Put your runs and workouts in your datebook and schedule them the way you schedule an important work meeting or family event. Give your training schedule the priority and the urgency it calls for, and you will achieve staggering consistency.

2. Develop Healthy Habits

When it comes to losing weight and keeping it off for good, building long-life healthy habits is the way to go. Sustained weight loss is all about building and developing healthier habits. They are the backbone of optimum fitness and health.
However, changing habits is tricky, and trying to change them all overnight is the recipe for failure.
Action Step
Don’t try to change your life overnight. Instead, adopt the gradual approach by changing one habit at a time.
Here are 3 simple steps to follow:
  • Start small and set clear and concise rules for a set habit.
  • Build a ritual around the new habit,
  • Then stick to the ritual for at least a month.
That’s enough time for it to turn into a habit and become a part of your new lifestyle.
For example, if you‘d like to eat more vegetables, then add at least three different veggies to your menu each day.
For more check out this awesome book on Amazon: Healthy Habits: 13 Morning Habits That Help You Lose Weight, Feel Energized & Live Healthy. Read More

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