Maybe you’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately but can’t quite put your finger on why. Well and Good thinks that if you have the following symptoms, then it might be time for a detox this fall. Read on to discover if you need to flush those toxins out of your body. 
Sneezing everywhere, sugar cravings, and can’t get a good night’s sleep?

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This fun little set of issues might mean a detox is in the cards for you this fall, says Jeffrey Morrison, MD, an integrative physician in New York City and author of Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind, who can spot someone who needs a detox from a mile away.

It’s his favorite kind of reset for post-summer stress, whether you’re experiencing just one of these symptoms (fingers crossed) or the whole gamut (so sorry!).
If it feels like every year your seasonal allergies are getting worse, especially going into fall, it’s not just because the pollen is getting worse, says Dr. Morrison. It’s possible you’re run down. “We find when people do a detox, their allergy symptoms get much better.”

Short-term remedy: Dr. Morrison suggests local bee pollen to help alleviate allergies. “People who have what appear to be severe seasonal allergies should start with a small amount—one to two granules of bee pollen—in the morning before breakfast and slowly work up to about half a teaspoon, two times a day,” he says. “The oral ingestion of bee pollen is a natural way of desensitizing to local flowers from the inside out.”

Difficulty staying asleep
Pop awake almost every night? It’s a sign that your liver is under stress, says Dr. Morrison.
“The liver is the main organ in the body for detoxifying chemicals, prescription medications, and alcohol, and all of these can cause you to wake up at night. Even if you’re not drinking and still waking up, it could be because the liver is working harder than it should,” he explains.

Short-term remedy: A supplement called glycine helps the body make extra GABA (a calming neurotransmitter). Take one, in water, at bedtime, he says.

Sugar cravings
A detox is not just about eliminating toxins, it’s also about eliminating unhealthy behaviors, Dr. Morrison says, and sugar can be addicting and habit forming. The best way to get rid of the cravings is to ditch sugar flat out. And according to Dr. Morrison, a juice cleanse won’t help you do that.

Short-term remedy: Three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in water. “It completely eliminates the craving,” he finds.

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