How to Get Rid of Oily Skin: 10 Steps
how to get rid of oily skinHow to get rid of oily skin is a very frequently asked question of beauty conscious people around the world. Oily face though a natural process it sometimes causes many other defects on our skin. Extra oil on the face causes clogging pores and blemishes. The factors responsible for oily skin are diet, hormone levels, pregnancy, birth control pills, and the cosmetics, however.

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin: 10 Steps
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How to Get Rid Of Oily Skin Naturally

Wash your face regularly
Water supports almost every home remedies for diseases why not for oily skin. Wash your oily face regular but not more than three times because washing more than three or several times reduces required moisturizer.

A great mixture for oily face
Make an amazing mixture for your oily face; take some lemon extract or powder, papaya pulp and a little turmeric powder. Mix them up and gently apply it on the oily face using fingertips to get rid of oily skin.

Make a Cleanser
Remove dirt and dead skin cells from the face by exfoliating regularly.  Make an exfoliate cleanser using baking soda with water. Apply the paste on your face; allow it to stay for 10-15 minutes.  Afterwards, wash your face using a soft cotton cloth in order to remove dead skin cells.

Make a facial mask
Oily skin has large pores and that needs a face mask to reduce visible signs of oiliness. Make your mask at home, use oil and acne fighting fruits like strawberry or bananas.

Relax in stress: Mental stress interrupts our body’s hormone system. Extra stress leads you to be older and it makes your skin more vulnerable. To have younger looking skin you should learn to relax in stress. Try to do some physical exercises to less stress and maintain a daily relax session on stress time.

How to Get Rid Of Oily Skin Using OTC Cosmetics
The oily skin problem can be handled through medications or cosmetics. There are several ways to get rid of oily skin using regular cosmetics. Let’s know how to get rid of oily skin using medic and cosmetics.

Use moisturizer
Every skin type needs moisturizer even it is oily. Find the best cleanser and toner to moisturize your skin. Choose non-comedogenic and oil-free moisturizer that is light and best for your oily skin.

Blotting Paper to absorb
When the under-skin fat level burns it produces more oil on the face. Use blotting paper to absorb and diminish an extra bit of oil from the skin. No hesitation, blotting paper is recommended by dermatologists and it’s safe. Just take a piece of blotting paper, place it on oily areas, press lightly and see oil gone.

Lemon Powder
Lemon or lemon powder is one of the best natural cleansers for oily skin care since from the start of skin care practice. Fresh squeezed lemon used as strong and powerful cleanser that is effective for all types of skin. Lemon powder provides the best natural cleansing and toning effect on your face by cleaning all dead cells.

Sunscreen for skin protection
As your skin is oily it’s not a wise doing to stay long time under the angry sun. The sun damages your skin and it causes premature aging. Use sun block to protect your skin from sunburn. Remember whilst choosing sunscreen, it should be at least SPF 15 and oil-free one.

Diet Recommendations to get rid of oily skin
Healthy diet for oily hair includes fresh drinking water, Vitamin A and B-6 containing foods, anti- inflammatory foods like Omega-3 (fish oil) and fresh green vegetable. Avoid food fried and junk food as much possible. Read More

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