
Tips to Remove Chin Blackheads

1. Gentle cleansing and exfoliation everyday is good option to avoid dirt in skin pores. This will also help you make skin supple and also helps you get rid of Chin blackheads.
2. Expose your facial skin to some steam either by leaning over a hot water bowl or by a steam machine at least for 10 minutes in-order to open pores. Use of eucalyptus oil drops can avoid any cause of infections.
3. Never over do things like forcefully removing blackheads or vigorous use of scrubs as it may leave an ever-remaining scar on your face. It also could end up releasing excess oil leading to increasing number of more pimples.
4. Try using blackhead removing products available in the market to increase overall curing process. Blackhead strips or dirt particles can be used to remove blockages from the skin.
5. Sea salt and Micro-beads can help you remove Chin blackheads as well. But if the problem is critical, you can always consider visiting a dermatologist, who can prescribe useful medicines and creams with retinoids to cure the problem with ease.
6. Estheticians use extractors, which are inserted directly into the pore to remove the black heads, forcing the sebum out. It claims to remove black heads without even leaving a minute scar on our face. But it is suggestible to consult an experienced esthetician for the right procedure.
7. Always take enough Vitamin C (at-least 1 gram daily) to improve your skin texture and clarity. It can actually boost collage production.
8. Try applying orange peel or paste on effected area and leave on for at-least for 15 minutes followed by rinsing with warm water. It will help you reduce the oil production, which inturn will cut on the dirt collection.
9. Application of Aloe Vera directly on skin is also very effective in curing black heads in and around the chin area. All you have to do is apply it on your skin and let it stay for 15 minutes, later rinse it off with warm water. Similarly lemon also can do good to cure this issue.

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