Everyone feels like they want to lose belly fat! Not only can it look unattractive, but it can be dangerous for your health, leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver diseases, heart diseases including stroke and dementia, and more.
Some of the causes of belly fat are genetics, weak metabolism, hormonal changes, stress or hypertension, poor posture, overeating etc. There are many remedies that are effective in helping you to lose the fat if you are eating the right food and doing some physical exercises regularly.
Home Remedies to Lose Belly Fat:
The following home remedies are natural, cost affordable, and easily available.
1. Lemon Water:
A stressed liver will not metabolize the fat efficiently, so to detoxify the liver, you can use lemon water. It increases the enzymes that help to detoxify the liver.
- Lemon – 1
- Warm water – 1 glass
- Extract the juice from a lemon and mix with warm water.
- Drink on an empty stomach.
- Do not drink or eat anything for at least 30 minutes after consuming.
- Drink this daily.
2. Fish Oil or Fish:
Fish oil has omega – 3, fatty acids like icosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid and linolenic acid that helps to break down the fat. Just eating fish is also very effective.
- Fish oil – 6 gms or a tablespoon
- Fishes
- Take 6 gms of fish oil everyday.
- Alternatively, eat fish twice a week.
3. Ginger Tea:
Ginger is a thermogenic agent which increases body temperature, this helps to burn fat more easily. It also suppresses the production of cortisol (a steroid hormone that is essential for the energy regulation and also mobilization).
Ingredients: (Ginger Lemon Honey Tea)
- Ginger – 1 to 2 inch
- Lemon – 1
- Honey – 1 tablespoon
- Water – 4 cups
- Teapot
- Boil water for few minutes and now add ginger to it.
- Simmer it for about 5 – 10 minutes and then remove it from the stove.
- Add freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey and stir well.
- Drink first thing in the morning and at least 2 – 3 cups throughout the day.
4. Cranberry Juice:
Cranberries contain organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid and the quinic acid that act as digestive enzymes. They will act as emulsifying agents on your stubborn fat.
- Cranberry juice (Unsweetened) – 1 cup (or) 8 Oz
- Water – 56 oz (or) 7 cups
- Mix cranberry juice and water.
- Drink one cup first thing in the morning and continue throughout the day.
- You can also make cran water by mixing 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice in 7 Oz of normal water.
5. Chia Seeds:
Chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, anti-oxidants, calcium, iron and other dietary fibre that makes you feel fuller for longer. Dieticians suggest that taking 4-8 tablespoons of chia seeds during the day will prevent hunger. So include these seeds into your diet to help you lose the fat.
- Chia seeds
- Smoothies or salads or yogurt
- Add the seeds to your smoothies, salads, yogurt, soups or breakfast cereals.
- Stir it well and have this regularly to get relief from belly fat.
6. Garlic:
Garlic has an excellent anti-obesity property that helps to get rid of belly fat. It reduces the systolic, diastolic blood pressure and triglycerides, as well as increases the good cholesterol. Garlic also avoids the conversion of pre fat cells into fat cells.
- Garlic cloves – 3
- Lemon – 1
- Water – 1 cup
- Squeeze the lemon juice into a cup of water and stir well.
- Chew raw garlic cloves and then drink the lemon water on an empty stomach.
- Repeat this every morning, you should see a change within 2 weeks.
7. Cinnamon:
Cinnamon is a thermogenic which produces heat through metabolic stimulation. It not only reduces belly fat but also reduces overall body fat. Include a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in your regular diet to increase the metabolism and to lose fat quickly.
Note: Do not use cinnamon bark oil as this can be dangerous.
Ingredients for various processes:
- Cinnamon
- Coffee or tea
- Toast
- Breakfast cereal
- Salads or sauces
- Boiling water
Different ways to use cinnamon in your diet:
- Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to drinks like tea, milk or coffee and stir well.
- Add cinnamon to the top of some toast or a muffin.
- Sprinkle ground cinnamon on salads, dips or sauces.
(Cinnamon Tea)
- Take a cinnamon stick (or) 1 to 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon powder
- Place in a cup and then add a cup of boiling hot water.
- Allow it to steep for few minutes and then add a tea bag.
- After 4 – 5 minutes take out the bag and strain the tea and add honey to flavour.
- Take this tea daily once or twice a day.
8. Dandelion Tea:
If you’re suffering from belly fat due to water retention, then the dandelion herb will come to your rescue. It is a natural diuretic improves your liver’s functioning capacity, flushing out the retained water and other toxins from your body, particularly the abdominal bloating.
Ingredients: (Dandelion Tea)
- Dandelion root or root powder (roasted) – 1 tablespoon
- Fresh ginger (minced) – 1/2 piece
- Cinnamon bark – 1/2 piece
- Cardamom seeds – 1
- Mint leaves – 4 to 6
- Water – 1 ½ cup
- Honey – 2 teaspoon
- Saucepan
- Put all the ingredients in a pan, except honey, and bring to the boil.
- Boil for about 5 – 10 minutes and then strain the tea.
- Then add the honey and stir well.
- Drink and repeat 2-4 times a day.
- Note: Do not drink if suffering from blocked bile ducts or similar.
9. Lean Meat:
Foods that have thermogenic properties will burn calories when consumed. Lean meat is considered as the best calorie burning food, so when you eat this meat, you will burn about 30% of the calories spent digesting the food. Try to include lean chicken, pork or beef in your diet.
Note: Do not to fry the lean meat.
10. Green Tea:
According to American Journal of Clinical Nutritional States, drinking 4 cups of green tea everyday will help to lose more than 6 pounds of weight and fat within 8 weeks. Green tea has a type of a catechin known as epigallocatechin – 3 – gallate or EGCG. Whenever you sip a green tea, EGCG will help to boost your metabolism.
- Green tea leaves or pearls – 1 to 2 teaspoons or a tea bag
- Lemon juice – ½ to 1 teaspoon
- Hot water – 1 cup
- Mint / basil leaves – 5
- Honey (Optional) – as per your taste.
- Take green tea or tea bag and mint or basil leaves.
- Add this to a cup of hot water and stir.
- Cover and allow to steep for about 7 – 10 minutes.
- Strain the tea and add lemon juice and honey.
- Mix it well and consume 3-4 times a day. Preferably after meals.
11. Herbal Treatment:
There are many every day herbs that when used in cooking can reduce belly fat. The best are:
- Ginger
- Cucumber
- Mint
Each has different properties that will help you lose belly fat, especially when used combined.
These herbs can do wonders at getting rid of body fat, for example, cucumber contains water and other dietary fibre that will cleanse the body. Ginger boosts the metabolism, mint calms cravings and soothes the tummy and lemon is full of vitamin C and anti-oxidants.
- Cucumber – 1 (Medium sized)
- Ginger – 1 teaspoon (grated) (OR) 1 to 2 inch piece (if pressed)
- Mint leaves – 10 to 12 sprigs
- Lemon – 1
- Water – 2 liters
- Cut cucumber and lemon into slices
- Add all ingredients to water.
- Stir well and soak overnight.
- Drink this water throughout the day and repeat regularly.
12. Hot Peppers:
Hot peppers boost up the body’s heat production and thus consumes more energy or calories. Try to include peppers raw, cooked, dried or in powdered form to your soups, gravies, eggs and meats. Use red pepper, habanero pepper, cayenne pepper, etc.
13. Almonds:
Almonds have healthy fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that help to prevent you from overeating. Studies have shown that almonds will suppress hunger and also fights against heart diseases. These almonds are rich in magnesium that builds muscles which means belly fat is burned more easily. Not only that, but it contains hardly any calories, so try to include this in your diet as much as possible.
Methods to include almonds in your diet:
Method – 1:
- Take 6 – 8 almonds and douse in water overnight.
- Eat this first thing in the morning daily.
Method – 2:
- Take few almonds and include them in your morning breakfast or add them to your greens, apples, orange blend and porridge.
14. Celery:
Celery is a very low calorie, high fibre food that also contains vitamin C and calcium, a perfect combination to aid weight loss. It contains apigenin which helps to reduce the ovarian cancer risk in women. How to include celery in your diet:
- Eat celery or other leafy veg.
- Drink half a glass of celery juice before meals.
- Add celery to soups and other foods.
15. Watermelon:
Watermelon contains 91% of water, so acts as a natural diuretic to help you feel fuller for longer and aids in the reduction of water in the body. It has rich amount of vitamins B1, B6 and C and potassium and magnesium which makes it a very little calorie and cholesterol free food.
Try to consume two glasses of watermelon juice everyday for at least 8 weeks to lose belly fat.
16. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes contain a compound named 9 – oxo – ODA that helps to reduce the lipids in blood and this in turn helps to control the belly fat, it also helps to fight against the chronic diseases that are associated with obesity. A tomato contains many other health benefits as well, so include tomatoes in your daily diet (either in raw or cooked form) to cut down the abdominal fat. It is also an excellent source of nutrients like iron, potassium, vitamins A and C.
17. Beans:
Beans help to reduce the body fat, develop muscles and improve the digestive process. It also suppresses your appetite by making you feel full for a longer time and so keeps you away from overeating. Try to include beans in your diet as much as possible but added to everyday dishes.
18. Avocadoes:
Lecithin, an amino acid that is present in avocado helps to manage and maintain the proper body weight. It is rich in fibre content that helps to keep the hunger at bay and prevents you from overeating. Avocado has rich source of good fats, helps to burn the belly fat more easily.
19. Cucumber:
Cucumber is a considered as an extremely refreshing and low calorie food, made up of about 96% water. It is packed with minerals, dietary fibres and other vitamins which are very effective in losing belly fat. Try to include as much as you can in your diet to cleanse your body from harmful toxins released by the digestive system.
20. Tart Cherries:
Tart cherries are a type of cherries that reduces the cholesterol levels in the body and also reduces belly fat. They also have other great benefits like anti-ageing properties, so try to include this in your diet. According to the University of Michigan, tart cherries help to lower the heart diseases and metabolic syndrome symptoms.
21. Apples:
An apple a day keeps the belly fat away! They contain a natural compound called pectin that effectively aids in weight loss. When eating an apple, a gel – like substance forms in the belly that efficiently traps the dietary cholesterol and fat content in the body. Apples are rich in dietary fibre, phytosterol, flavonoids and beta – carotene that makes your belly to feel full and that avoids overeating. To lose body fat, eat an apple a day, or more if possible!
22. Pineapple:
Pineapple contains enzymes called bromelain that has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, it helps to metabolize the protein which contributes to having a flatter tummy. It also gives relief from stomach conditions that results in less abdominal bloating and therefore, a slimmer waistline.
23. Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is high in medium chain triglycerides that have a positive effect on the metabolism to lose belly fat. These acids are used in one of two ways from the liver. Either as energy or is converted into ketone bodies. This will make you feel fuller for longer as they are used as energy rather than glucose. These work by making you feel full and thus automatically reduce the calorie intake. So include coconut oil in your diet but also follow these tips:
- Don’t add or mix coconut oil to your existing oil but you can replace your other cooking oil with coconut oil.
- Do not use more that 2 tablespoons of coconut oil a day.
- Make sure your diet contains lots of nutritious food.
24. Diet Plan:
Eating the right food will definitely help to get rid of abdominal fat.
- Reduce sugar level in your diet as this is one of the main causes of fat. Replace sugar with complex carbohydrates.
- Snack like pizzas, burgers, French fries and other junk foods are not good for the health and body. Artificial sweeteners that are added in these foods will induce the body to store fat. It’s always best to avoid them and opt healthier snacks like fruits, nuts, etc. in your daily diet.
- Include good food which contains proteins, vegetables, fresh raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and nuts. Remember that canned fruits and veggies will also increase the abdominal fat, so try to avoid them.
- Intake of omega – 3 fat (good fats) foods like salmon, tuna, etc. will help you lose belly fat.
- Include the food like lemon, oranges, kiwi, strawberries, etc. in your diet, as vitimin C can help you lose body fat.
- Skipping your meals will also cause belly fat. Whenever you starve the body, then it turns to survival mode and starts storing the food in the form of fat. 5-6 small meals a day is very effective.
- Keep a food diary and follow this daily.
- For men 2200 calories should be consumed a day, and for women it is 2000 calories.
25. Exercises:
Even if you follow all these natural home remedies, proper diet plain and other lifestyle habits to lose belly fat will be a waste of effort if don’t do exercises.
- Do regular exercises that include the all muscles with whole body workouts.
- Regularly complete exercises like walking, cycling, aerobics, running, etc. to increase the body’s capacity to burn the calories and makes you lose the belly fat.
- Doing Jumping jacks and push ups in the morning will kick start the metabolism for the day.
- Skipping or jump rope is also considered as the great exercise to lose the belly fat.
- Have some regular strength training along with cardiovascular exercises to build up and strengthen the muscles tone.
Change your lifestyle by following these tips to get rid of abdominal fat.
- Have adequate sleep as lack of proper sleep can cause belly fat as you will crave more sugar and fatty foods.
- Drink water as much as you can throughout the day. This helps to lead more active metabolism, flushes out the toxins or wastes from the body and finally improves the overall health. You should try to have 8 glasses a day. A good time to drink is before and after each meal.
- Lessen alcohol consumption. Alcohol has full of calories and when you drink it, you don’t feel full.
- Place an aim to complete 10,000 steps a day.
- Cut down the usage of salt in your diet as salt has detrimental effect on the fat storage.
- Reduce sugary drinks and all other carbonated beverages.
- Always eat a heavy breakfast, a moderate lunch and a light dinner.
- Avoid losing weight rapidly or quickly by using crash diet and diet pills, as they can be harmful to the body and doesn’t last.
- Have dairy foods like low fat milk, curd, etc. which plays an effective in cutting down few inches in your waistline.
- Make sure to consult your doctor if you’re not losing your belly fat (even a little) after following all these remedies.
With these natural home remedies and tips, you can effectively fight against the belly or abdominal fat and enjoy a reduced waistline.
Do you know any other effective remedies to lose belly fat? Then share your experience with us. Source:homeremediesforlife.com

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