Being 39 weeks pregnant and having not been feeling too good, I asked Olivia to model one of my FAVORITE beauty DIY’s !! This is a recipe on how to make your own Biore strips that you can use just on your nose, like you would a Biore strip, or you can do it to your whole face which is what I like to do and is what I had Olivia do in the photos! (And yes it is sickening how amazing her skin is without any make up!!) But this little concoction will leave your skin as smooth as ever and you’ll feel amazing.
So here is the recipe and directions…
1. Mix 1 TBSP Knox Unflavored Gelatin (make sure you get unflavored!!) with 1 1/2 – 2 TBSP of milk (totally preference! I have done both and prefer to do 1 1/2 Tbsp.) in a plastic cup or something you can throw away after.
2. Microwave concoction for 10-15 seconds and apply to face immediately (it hardens quick!)
*I mix and apply mine with the thick wooden little ice cream spoons from Wal-Mart – or you can use popsicle stick or whatever you have laying around  and if you don’t have a microwave or something you can always heat up the milk in a pot beforehand and then add it to the gelatin.
3. Wait til the mixture on your face has dried completely and then peel off!
*Word to the wise – if you have peach fuzz it may pull on it! And hurt haha. So avoid those areas like around your ear and hair line and what not if you don’t want to experience that.

Homemade Biore Strips
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