It’s really unsatisfying to stick to an exercise program, make the right diet changes, and still not see the results you want to see. Has that ever been you? It can be really frustrating.

The reason this can happen is even though you think you’re consuming a healthy food , you might have some hidden food in your diet that is ruining your weight loss efforts.
The foods that keep you from losing the last 10 pounds and keep you stuck at a plateau are what I call the metabolism death foods! The term may sound scary, and it can be. And the craziest thing about these foods is that they are often labeled as “health foods”.

5 Foods That are Killing Your Metabolism
Image Via: skinnymom.com

Metabolism Death Foods
There are five main foods that can absolutely ruin your weight loss efforts. I call these the metabolism death foods. You will want to remove and replace these foods with healthy alternatives if you want to see quick results.

1. Peanut Butter - Yes, peanut butter is tasty, but it can also ruin your gut health. Peanuts are grown on the soil and stored moist in silos which then cause them to grow a type of fungus called aflatoxins which can effect the health of your gut.
Peanuts are one of the most common allergens today and have been linked to food sensitivities, leaky gut and a slow metabolism. Also, peanuts are very high in omega-6 fatty acids which may cause serious inflammation in the body. For these many reasons, peanut butter is a metabolism death food!
What to do instead: If you want to start revving up your metabolism then make a switch to almond butter. Almonds are high in an amino acid L-arginine which increases HGH production in your body. This is turn causes your body to build lean muscle which sends your metabolism sky high!
Just one tablespoon spoon of almond butter with celery, in a smoothie or with some apples are great snacks to re-ignite your metabolism.
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